How to Write A Theme (Chapter) Book; Course 4

Plotmatics has been defined in the previous courses, but we can as yet put it here again simply as approaching writing by Engineering, recognizing that it is a science with a bit of the arts and not purely the arts, which are completely based on trial and error. With the arts, a process equation is not in use as in mathematics or the sciences. Arts are crafts that require back and forth practicing to get to perfection. More often than not they rely on inspiration, mood of the author, imitation, &c. These in themselves are short-comings. What if the author looses his mood? Can he write as yet? By imitation, he cannot understand if there is any underlying pattern that has guaranteed success of those he is trying to imitate. The sciences simply have a formula or guiding rule that works for everyone everywhere location notwithstanding.

The language homologous has been used in chemistry under such circumstances where there is a group of chemical species occurring at a regular interval within the context of an underlying pattern perpetuated from member to member. It is usually a trait common with every member of the group. In mathematics, it can come in the form of an Arithmetic Progression in which a set of numbers on a row increases or decreases under a regular pattern. For example, 2, 4, 6, 8….12; it can be deduced that the regular pattern by which the numbers increase is a factor of 2 added successively from one member to another and so on to the end of the series. There is also the Geometric Progression that perpetuates itself in the series by a common ratio peculiar in the family. In nature there are many instances where homologous situations occur. Biology has so many of them, and it is left to the scientist to figure out what it is. For example, imagine calling the lion a cat alongside with the pussy cat. What is the connection? This is what we are talking about.

There must be a pattern existing with all theme books ever written. Meanwhile, a theme book is what you may call chapter book, but in Plotmatics it is defined as chapters and pages built around a central message in the book. The message is what the book is trying to say, and this is done in chapters and pages. Meanwhile, we have defined a novel as a Plotbook which means chapters and pages built around the plot of the story. We recall that the significance of this definition is that chapters have their approach about how to go about writing them while to get pages or word count there is also an engineering technique underlying this. You may refer to course 1 of this series.

Homologous Features of All Theme Books

  1. A theme book is the sum of all you have read or that you know about a subject matter you are writing about fine-tuned by the theme of the book you are writing. *Before you write about a subject, you must have researched extensively or you must have a wide knowledge of what you want to write about. This is often the case with how-to books, memoirs, autobiographies, &c. What this definition is saying is that all knowledge you may have on the subject matter should be funneled into a theme. You need to focus them and organize your book around it. Theme is the mid-focus of what the author wishes to write about. This goes to say that the theme of the theme book is worked out first and research done extensively around it before the writing proper.
  2. The chapter is a sub-part of the theme of the book approached with certain methodology – here we recommend that you write with precision and accuracy. Methodology within the parlance of Plotmatics is the method you wish to deploy to attack the issue(s) in the chapter under review. By precision and accuracy, we mean the very words. An account should be precise – it should address the subject matter under review, and it should do so accurately. This may be advanced further a bit to include a context within which this can further be done. For example, entries made in a chapter by paragraphs should be precise and accurate even when the chapter is an investigation of the subject matter under review. By this we may mean that chapter X could be attempting to answer the question, “Could Nigeria be in need of authors of biographies and memoirs?” Of course, this is a research question that requires evidence to be provided in the course of writing the chapter.
  3. A chapter is written by paragraphs. The latter are sub-units of writing in the chapter used to address the subject matter in the chapter. But bear in mind that every entry made into a paragraph to prosecute the writing is termed data. This refers to entries made into the paragraph to address the matter being addressed in it. It is this data entry that should go into the paragraph with precision and accuracy within any other context chosen to enhance the writing.
  4. You must make sure that your book is meant to address a need or struggle in the market for it to be relevant and gain readership. Work out the need in your market and position your book appropriately.

This is the Plotmatics of theme books, taking advantage of the homologous traits among them all.

Maximus Clement

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